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Staubli-Łódź Sp. z o.o.	Gryfilen - Grupa Azoty

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Hamburg-based Feddersen Group celebrates its 75th anniversary

The Hamburg-based Feddersen Group is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. What began as a single company in Hamburg in 1949 has developed into a globally active group of companies that today operates successfully in seven business areas.

The 75th anniversary of the Feddersen Group was celebrated at the headquarters in Hamburg end of June (© K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH)The 75th anniversary of the Feddersen Group was celebrated at the headquarters in Hamburg end of June (© K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH)

The Hamburg-based Feddersen Group is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. What began as a single company in Hamburg in 1949 has developed into a globally active group of companies that today operates successfully in seven business areas.

The foundation of the Feddersen Group in 1949 laid the basis for a remarkable success story. Originally started as a trading company for chemical products, the company has continuously developed and diversified over the decades. Today, the group is active in seven business areas:

  • Foreign trade with chemicals and technical products
  • Machines and services for the plastics processing industry
  • Plastics distribution
  • Stainless steel trade
  • Production of plastic compounds
  • Design and construction of extrusion and compounding lines
  • Engineering services

Key factors in an international success story

"The Feddersen Group's long-standing success is based on several key factors," says Volker Scheel, Managing Director of the parent company K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH. "Since its foundation, the Feddersen Group has placed great value on close and long-term relationships with its customers as well as its suppliers. Thanks to customised solutions and excellent service, we have been able to continuously gain and expand the trust of our customers and partners. The employees of the Feddersen Group play a crucial role in this. With their commitment, expertise and passion, they make a significant contribution to our success. According to the Group, it continuously invests in the training and further education of its employees in order to offer them the best possible conditions for their professional development.

Special understanding of other cultures and markets

The global orientation of the Feddersen Group requires a deep understanding of the diverse cultural and market-specific characteristics. Through its presence in various countries, either in Europe, East and Southeast Asia as well as Latin America, and its co-operation with local partners, the Group has been able to build valuable relationships and tailor its market development to the respective needs. The ability to adapt to changing market conditions and not to take success for granted, but to constantly strive for it, was and is an essential part of the Group's DNA.

The new company headquarters in Hamburg will be opened at the end of July 2024 (© K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH)The new company headquarters in Hamburg will be opened at the end of July 2024 (© K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH)

Outlook for the future

With a strong basis and a clear vision for the future, the Feddersen Group feels that it is ideally equipped to continue its success in the coming years. The Group will continue to focus on its proven success factors while at the same time utilising new opportunities to expand its market position and strengthen its international presence.

At the end of July, the company headquarters with the companies K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH, K.D. Feddersen GmbH & Co. KG and K.D. Feddersen Ueberseegesellschaft mbH will move into new premises in Wendenstrasse in the Hammerbrook district of Hamburg. Just two streets away from the previous location in Gotenstrasse, the company is moving into new, modern office space with a spatial concept designed to promote communication and interaction. There will no longer be traditional individual offices at the new location.

Furthermore, AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH, as the central company of the Plastics Production division, will intensify its development of the North American market at the start of the third quarter of 2024 from a local sales office, which will be followed by the establishment of local production in the medium term.

"We would like to thank our customers and business partners for their close and trusting cooperation and look forward to shaping a successful future together," says Volker Scheel.

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K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH

K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH jako oddział K.D. Feddersen Holding, już od 10 lat, zajmuje się dystrybucją specjalistycznych tworzyw konstrukcyjnych. W naszej ofercie znajdują się materiały renomowanych producentów, jak: Celanese, Ascend, Trinseo, Elix, Aurora, Hyosung, Teijin czy Skytech.

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