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1. Wyrażenie Zgody.

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Staubli-Łódź Sp. z o.o.	Gryfilen - Grupa Azoty

Wynik wyszukiwania

BIO-FED and Piramidal sign distribution agreement for Brazil zdjęcie

BIO-FED and Piramidal sign distribution agreement for Brazil

The Cologne-based company BIO-FED and the Brazilian distributor Piramidal signed a distribution agreement for the Brazilian market in April 2022.

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Zrównoważone produkty w centrum uwagi zdjęcie

Zrównoważone produkty w centrum uwagi

BIO-FED jest ekspertem w dziedzinie rozwoju i produkcji tworzyw biodegradowalnych i/lub na bazie bio, jak również kompoundów PP zbilansowanych biomasą – wszystko pod marką M•VERA®.

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Further companies of the Feddersen Group successfully certified zdjęcie

Further companies of the Feddersen Group successfully certified

In November 2021, four members of the Feddersen Group, AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH and its branches AF-COLOR and BIO-FED, as well as PolyComp GmbH, announced certification with ISCC PLUS.

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Progress in machinery technology and service zdjęcie

Progress in machinery technology and service

The machinery builder FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG is displaying developments in its extrusion and compounding equipment at this year's FAKUMA in Hall A6, Booth 6217.

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Mourning in the Feddersen Group. Thomas Raithel passed away zdjęcie

Mourning in the Feddersen Group. Thomas Raithel passed away

Thomas Raithel, Managing Director of K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH, passed away on 21.06.2023, after a serious illness, at the age of 60. Mr. Raithel worked for the Feddersen Group in various functions for more than 26 years.

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Joint stand of K.D. Feddersen, FEDDEM and Biofiber Tech zdjęcie

Joint stand of K.D. Feddersen, FEDDEM and Biofiber Tech

At stand B62-C57, K.D. Feddersen GmbH & Co. KG, Succursale France together with their sister company FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG and the Swedish startup Biofiber Tech Sweden AB presented their new products.

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Machine engineering and service zdjęcie

Machine engineering and service

For the fifth time, FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG, will be exhibiting at the K trade fair in Hall 15, Stand A42.

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Individual plant concepts for the production of ATEX materials zdjęcie

Individual plant concepts for the production of ATEX materials

The company Nexam Chemical AB from Lomma, Sweden, was looking for a new compounding plant that could be used specifically for the production of reactive masterbatches. The machine manufacturer FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG based in Sinzig, Germany, supplied the suitable plant and encountered some challenges in the process.

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Feddersen Group launches new corporate design for K show zdjęcie

Feddersen Group launches new corporate design for K show

The companies of the Feddersen Group have introduced a new corporate design as of 1 October 2022, just in time for the industry event K 2022.

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Feddersen Group concludes cooperation agreement with Toolplace GmbH zdjęcie

Feddersen Group concludes cooperation agreement with Toolplace GmbH

In February 2024, K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH, parent company of the internationally active Feddersen Group with a focus on the trade and production of engineering plastics, concluded a cooperation agreement with Toolplace GmbH. Toolplace offers digital solutions for the procurement of injection moulding tools that complement the Feddersen Group's portfolio.

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Hamburg-based Feddersen Group celebrates its 75th anniversary zdjęcie

Hamburg-based Feddersen Group celebrates its 75th anniversary

The Hamburg-based Feddersen Group is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. What began as a single company in Hamburg in 1949 has developed into a globally active group of companies that today operates successfully in seven business areas.

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K.D. Feddersen Ueberseegesellschaft mbH and FUTERRO S.A. conclude distribution agreement zdjęcie

K.D. Feddersen Ueberseegesellschaft mbH and FUTERRO S.A. conclude distribution agreement

The Hamburg-based K.D. Feddersen Ueberseegesellschaft mbH a member of the international Feddersen Group, and the Belgian FUTERRO S.A. have concluded a distribution agreement for the sale of Polylactide (PLA) with immediate effect from 18 April 2024.

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Elementy Elesa+Ganter w maszynach do palenia kawy. Case study firmy Coffed zdjęcie

Elementy Elesa+Ganter w maszynach do palenia kawy. Case study firmy Coffed

Jednym z głównych producentów pieców oraz linii do palenia kawy na świecie jest firma Coffed pochodząca z Piły. Dzięki wieloletniemu doświadczeniu oraz stosowaniu wysokiej jakości komponentów w procesie produkcji, projektowane przez nią maszyny są technicznie dopracowane, co wpływa na ich niezawodność, funkcjonalność, a także na unikatowy design. Konstruktorzy firmy Coffed zdecydowali się na wykorzystanie w swoich projektach standardowych elementów z oferty Elesa+Ganter. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiamy case study z tej współpracy.

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PBT range with new highlights – K.D. Feddersen distributes Crastin® from Celanese zdjęcie

PBT range with new highlights – K.D. Feddersen distributes Crastin® from Celanese

From January 2024, K.D. Feddersen Distribution in Europe is expanding its extensive Celanese PBT range with new grades for food applications, halogen-free flame retardancy and high CTI values.

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K.D. Feddersen expands TRINSEO TPE portfolio zdjęcie

K.D. Feddersen expands TRINSEO TPE portfolio

The Feddersen Group, with its business unit K.D. Feddersen Distribution, has been the official distribution partner in Europe* and Maghreb for TPE and TPU materials from Trinseo since June 2019. Now the portfolio has been expanded to include sustainable TPE plastic grades as well as TPE materials for use in the healthcare sector.

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